Diversified Distributors
M - F : 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
For appliances, call 651-777-8915
For cabinets, call 952-808-9646
Driving Directions:
Appliance showroom: 6922 55th Street North
Oakdale, MN 55128
Cabinet showroom: 11351 Rupp Drive Suite #400
Burnsville, MN 55337
About Us
Since 1995, DDI has earned a reputation built on partnership, reliability, and performance. Developers, General Contractors, Property Managers, and Homeowners, put their trust in DDI to deliver the right product, at the right time, and at the right price. In Minnesota, DDI is the leading value-added distributor of kitchen and bath cabinetry and appliances. Nationally, DDI excels in project management, logistics, and supply reliability. We have experience executing projects across the country and a proven track record of success demonstrated by strong partnerships and repeat clients.